What's going on? Why are there no haters lurking around no more? I would like to say that no one hates me, but that would be like saying that I am as skinny as well.....Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Ritchie at the peak of their anorexia days. Which you guys as well as I know, is not true. My ass is so huge, it could engulf an entire nation. So haters, delurk yourselves. Leave me a hate comment.......or 3. C'mon, you know you want too. I'm feeling less ossum these days. I need y'all to be hatin' on me and be talking smack so that I can feel superior of my obvious ossumness and charisma that you worthless piece of shits are clearly lacking. So please, you and you and you, you know who you are, you've been lurking for far too long now. Time to unleash all that hatred and jealousy, time to call me fat and insult my friends.
You know you want too.
While we wait for you lot to grow some balls, I found another one of those personality quiz type thingy. This time it is courtesy of the good doctor Paul who posted about it on his blog. It's actually a site where they determine your personality through your writing style and as it turns out....I am a Performer.
So apparently through my writing style I am entertaining and friendly. Entertaining- yes. Friendly.......well it happens. Not often.....but still, it happens. On most days I'm actually bitchy as fuck. The "living in the present moment thing" is true though. Like the other day my mom asked me what I'm gonna pack when I make the move next year. I told her that I would like to bring all my 33 pairs of shoes, and then she got pissed off. Like, is it so wrong that I wanna bring all my shoes? Really? Then she went on and on about how I "never thinks ahead" and "flaky". So if my mom says I never thinks ahead and then this site confirmed it therefore it must be true.
See? The art of straight-thinking-bimbotic-logic. Mastered it, I haz.
However the kicker is this: "They tend to avoid conflicts and rarely initiate confrontations..."............................AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Omfg!!! Yes, this is true. I agree. Completely. I do avoid conflicts and never initiate confrontations. I also hate drama, am ridiculously shy and kill puppies during the weekends. Also, I have a small ass.
In any event I want you fellow bloggers to do this too. Make it like a tag-type thingy. Let me know what you get and if it's true. Mine gave me such a good laugh, it's ridiculous. This site should sustain me till my haters grow some balls and decide to be entertaining and insult me again. No seriously haters, come back. I miss y'all.
On other news regarding other news that have nothing to do with the the previous news, I have changed the settings of this blog. Now there are only 5 posts on the main page, instead of 10 like it used to be. I think 5 posts instead of 10 would help the page load faster. Also I added more pinup girls on the side and a bigass one at the bottom of the page. Let me know if these additional photos is troublesome- page loading wise. I am nothing but accommodating towards my readers. I mean....whereelse will I get the "ATTENTION" from?
Right, sayang?